Thursday, February 26, 2009

Studio Devil Virtual Bass Amp $69 (PC/ MAC)

The virtual amp market is flooded for guitarists, but if you prefer four strings to six, this one will be of particular interest

When we reviewed Studio Devil's self-descriptive Virtual Guitar Amp back in crn122, we awarded it a perfect 10 score. That plug-in sports a great range of tones, is very easy to use and, best of all, can be had for around the price of a single hardware stompbox. Just over a year down the line and Studio Devil have released a bass equivalent, which is sure to appeal to those seeking affordable but effective bass tones.

Just like VGA, VBA has a simple, single-screen GUI. It's split into four sections, the first being the Preamp panel, which has Gain, Bass, Treble and Mids controls - this last has an associated Freq knob, to set the centre frequency. In addition, there's a Boost switch, as well as two blue buttons for engaging the Bright and Deep settings. Next up is the Power Amp section, featuring a Drive control and Limiter (ranging from soft to hard). There's a choice of two cabinet setups - 4x10" or 1x15" - or a Dl setting (ie, no cab emulation). Finally, there's a seven-band graphic EQ - see boxout.

Tone of voice
Studio Devil pride themselves on their analogue-style sound, and the first thing that strikes you about VBA is how warm it is. The bottom end is full and powerful, but the mids and top end are still very crisp. As good as the 'regular' sounds are, engaging the Boost takes things up a further notch or two. This drives the virtual amp circuitry hard and produces a natural overdrive that further exposes VBA's warm, valve-like tones.

The power amp's Drive control also pushes VBA into overdrive territory, though this is more aggressive and less natural-sounding than the Boost control - great for those looking for over-the-top, piledriving distortion.

Overall, VBA is very easy to use. The straightforward, amp-apeing layout means even inexperienced engineers will be able to generate great tones with an absolute minimum of head scratching. While there are only ten presets provided with VBA, they're all useable and range from classic, clean tones right through to aggressive, overdriven metal ones.

One small gripe we have is that the plug-in lacks a built-in tuner. Granted, it's a compact unit and space is tight, but, in practical terms, a separate unit has to be loaded to tune up while jamming or recording. However, this is a small point and it doesn't detract from the fact that VBA is an excellent bass amp plug-in that certainly fills a gap in the market.

While it's true that IK Multimedia's Ampeg SVX bass amp plug-in has performers and producers alike salivating over its 'as good as the hardware' tones, VBA comes in at a fraction of the cost and has pretty much no competition in its price range. With this in mind, Studio Devil have created another must-have plug-in for anyone recording bass guitar or using live samples. And, best of all, it's cheaper than the average stompbox pedal.

Contact: via website

Graphic art
In the modern world of computer music, where ultra-flexible parametric and paragraphic EQs are de rigeur, you could be forgiven for thinking that a seven-band graphic EQ is a waste of space on such a compact unit.

However, Studio Devil claim that the EQ is "tuned specifically for bass guitar" and we're inclined to agree with them. Boosting the 62 and 125Hz faders adds power to the bottom end without compromising clarity. The 2 and 4kHz sliders bring out just the right amount of fret rattle, without making the bass parts sound unnatural.

We also spent quite some time dialling in different EQ curves and found that even the most radical adjustments still sounded musical - no mean feat for a seven-band unit. Suffice to say, our initial scepticism about such a no-frills function has been quelled, as it's clearly one of Virtual Bass Amp's best features.

System requirements
(PC) Windows, VST/RTAS host

Test system
(PC) HP Pavilion 2.8GHZ CPU, 1GB RAM

IK Multimedia Ampeg SVX cm103» 10/10 » £269
Many more amps and cabs, with a selection of effects, too, but it's also far pricier than Virtual Bass Amp

Native Instruments Guitar Rig 3 cm120» 9/10 » £450
The Software Edition is £270, and while it's guitar-focused, it has a couple of good bass amp sims

- Great value
-Thick, warm tones with definition
- Responsive controls
- Good EQ section
- Boost button works magic

- No tuner
- Not so hot without Boost engaged

Studio Devil have struck gold once again, and with bass amp sims thin on the ground. VBA could really hit the spot

MARK: 9/10
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